Er worden posts getoond met het label pottery

How To Identify Real Delft Pottery

Old Delftware was made as early as the 16th century. Look for a crown above the writing Handpainted Delft Blue Made in…

Delft Pottery Facts

There are 2259 delft pottery for sale on Etsy and they cost 2551 on average. The origins of Delft pottery can be trace…

How Can You Tell Real Delft Pottery

The crown is a design with a cross in the middle of the top and a diamond just below. Telling new from old is fairly s…

English Delftware Pottery Marks

Delftware or Delft pottery also known as Delft Blue Dutch. Some of his work is marked S. 18th C English Delftware Ch…

Why Is Delft Pottery Blue

After a while this Majolica factory started to create Delft Blue. Much as there was not one type of blue there was nev…